The Adventurer

The Adventurer

Do you love to travel more than anything else? Do you dream of climbing mountains, crossing deserts, visiting the world’s most impressive museums? Do you dream of exploring uncharted lands and learning the language of the locals? Would you love to have a time machine and travel back to 1800, or 2080?

If any of these scenarios light up your soul, chances are the Adventurer archetype describes you, and you live for the opportunity to embark on a new exploration of body or soul.

The question is: Is there only adventure when we go far from home?

The answer is: no!

To be adventurous we don’t need to use a compass, we need to change the way we think, look and live. Says author and entrepreneur Eliot Peper: “Everything important is uncertain. Sitting with the discomfort of that uncertainty is the hard part, the wedge that can move the world.”

We look forward to “travelling with you” into wild new, undiscovered terrain!


May 25th, 9 AM PST / 12 PM EDT / 4 PM GMT


One monthly online session, via Zoom. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.


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